
Thank you for your interest in donating to Friends of Folsom CERT.  Donations can be made using any of the following methods:

Donate by Check

Check donations can be mailed to us at the following address:

Friends of Folsom CERT
C/O Folsom Fire Department
535 Glenn Dr
Folsom, CA 95630

Please make the check payable to "Friends of Folsom CERT"


PayPal allows you to make a donation from the following sources:

Simply click the button below to get started!


You may also donate directly with your debit or credit card to our bank.  Donation Link:

Corporate Giving Programs

Friends of Folsom CERT is registered with Benevity and is often eligible for matching grants.  If you are an employee of one of the following organizations, you may be able to use your corporate giving portal to make a donation:

Note: this list is not all-inclusive.  Please check with your corporate giving or benefits department.  Brand names and trademarks belong to their respective companies and do not imply direct endorsement.